Privacy policy
If you access this website, you must be at least 18 years old and you accept the terms of use of this website.
Changes to the terms of use of the website
La-Cocaine may revise these terms of use at any time without notice. By using this website, you agree to be bound by the then current version of these terms of use.
What personal information do we collect and why do we collect it?
We store your information in an encrypted database until your order is finalized, or for a maximum of 72 hours. To protect your data, we use an offshore server.
When you leave a comment on our website, you can agree to have your name, e-mail address and website stored in cookies. This is for your convenience, so you don't have to re-enter your information when you leave another comment. These cookies are stored for one hour.
With whom we share your data
We use your delivery address only for the delivery process. It is encrypted using AES -512: 512-bit Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm in our database. We do not share this information with anyone.
We do not accept returns. You can only modify or cancel an order that has NOT been shipped. All sales are final.
Security measures
At La Cocaïne, we apply stringent security measures to ensure that our customers' personal information is protected from inappropriate use, disclosure or modification.
We use the latest technologies to maintain high security standards and restrict access to electronic files containing our customers' information. Our firewall infrastructure is strictly maintained and we regularly update our security settings.
*This is a social experiment. This website is in test mode. We do not sell cocaine. If you have paid for your order, you agree that all funds will be transferred to local charities or used for other purposes.
Save yourself and others.